About the Author

Mr. Van Alstyne is a fantasy and folklore author who writes for children and adults alike. He draws on his experiences as a chef making cakes, cookies, sugarplums and other tasty confections. As a Navy veteran Mr. Van Alstyne has traveled the world learning about local folklore and mythology. A devotee of the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Roald Dahl, his books fit into the faerie tale and children’s book genres. His Henry P. Twist series is unique. The protagonist is an elderly baker. This makes the series great for grandparents to read to their grandchildren.

Mr. Van Alstyne is a fantasy and folklore author who writes for children and adults alike. He draws on his experiences as a chef making cakes, cookies, sugarplums and other tasty confections.

As a Navy veteran Mr. Van Alstyne has traveled the world learning about local folklore and mythology. A devotee of the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson and Roald Dahl, his books fit into the faerie tale and children’s book genres. His Henry P. Twist series is unique. The protagonist is an elderly baker. This makes the series great for grandparents to read to their grandchildren.

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